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                           Pre-trial, the next court appearance after Arraignment


Whether you were arrested or not, the principal purpose of your first appearance in the District Court after a criminal Complaint has issued against you, or in the Supreior Court after an Indictment has been returned against you, will be to conduct an Arraignment. 

Other matters may be addressed.  I advise everyone charged with any criminal offense in the Superior Court to consult with

a criminal defense lawyer.  The remainder of what is said here pertains only to the District Court


In some cases, the next step after arraignment could be a hearing of some sort.  For instance, a bail hearing might follow arraignment almost immediately.  In some serious cases a "dangerousness hearing" might be scheduled, either immediately or within a few days after arraignment. Either a bail hearing or a dangerousness hearing could result in a deprivation of your liberty.  Some cases might be resolved on day of the arraignment, usually after negotiations with a prosecutor.   However, in the great majority of cases, a defendant (the person charged with a crime) is released by the District Court under an obgligation to appear again for "Pre-trial," usually about three or four weeks later.   One purpose of the interval is to give the defendant time to consult with a criminal lawyer.  It is a good idea.


When you appear at court for "Pre-trial," you (or your defense lawyer) will discuss your case with a prosecutor.  There is little pressure at the Pre-trial.  The meeting with the prosecutor is somewhat informal.  Many things might be discussed.  Some cases are completely resolved at the first "pre-trial" (this can only happen upon terms that you are willing to accept).   But often a return to court is necessary.  Your defense lawyer might present a Motion to Dismiss the Complaint for various legal reasons, or a Motion to Suppress some or all of the evidence against you, or a motion to obtain more information about the case, etc.   Eventually, if the case has not been resolved or dismissed, you have a right to a trial.


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Russell J. Redgate


© 2014 by Russell J. Redgate.

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