Alabama resists Federal Fiat
On March 3rd the Alabama Supreme Court held that the state's Probate judges must refuse to issue marriage licenses to any two applicants...
The Sin of Suicide
Last month the Cape Cod Times ran an editorial titled "Shed Light Upon Suicide." It encouraged more open discussion of the problem. Among...
Jury Acquits; Judge sentences anyway
The United States Surpreme Court denied a Petition for a Writ of Certiorari, letting stand sentences of fifteen, sixteen, and nineteen...
Are Chimps People Too?
The Associated Press wire this morning carried a story by reporter Mary Esch about a case before a New York appeals court in Albany. The...
Judge Moore and the Ten Commandments
More than ten years have passed since the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, Judge Roy Moore, was removed from office...

I'd like to call back summertime
Summer ends in about half an hour. I'd like to "have her stay for just another month or so"
Wisconsin Court says driver free to drive away with police knocking on window and motioning him to r
This Wisconsin case will be of interest to criminal lawyers, but perhaps not very many others. The Court held that a driver who was...